m a n u s c r i p t

His Life is Jesus Christ. His Story has affected billions since his birth. No man, no god has impacted the history of mankind like he has. People have abandoned their careers, families and countries to follow him. People have banished his story from their libraries, cultures and governments to eradicate his message. People have embraced his forgiveness, compassion and faith to radically transform their lives for the good. His Life is based on the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John woven together into one single account, filled with details and events that have been hidden for centuries. Get ready to enjoy His Life in a totally new perspective!


HIS Story

 Weaving the Books: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John into one account is based on OV’s logistics choice.

OV’s also chose to include additional references to Christ, as documented in the books of Isaiah, Acts, and Revelations to give a more complete account of His Life.

Ov’s choice of sequencing the events of His Life was based on cross checking and comparing each account’s documented sequence events. Then determined the more than likely best sequence of events, into one combined compilation account.

It is not the intention of OV to replace the above individual accounts with this one woven account version.      

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 1. Imagine if we could all sit together in the same place, at the same time, having all the time in the world. We would all witness for the first time in history, everyone opinions, debates and testimonies about his life. We would see and hear each other taking sides on all sides. Be it  wrong or right, involved or not involved, everyone seems to be effected by his story, every time it’s told. Some will die by it. Some will die trying to stop his story from ever being told again. Both young and old, age doesn’t matter. His story either moves people closer to him or further away. Why is his story so motivating; when it’s just a fable, when he’s just a man? Or maybe he is truly God in the flesh? If he is, how could a God with everything, convince himself that becoming human, is the best thing for himself and the humans he made, in his image. What could that possibly prove or even accomplish? How coulda God justify allowing pain to run chaotically across the perfect paradise he made, and then choose to die in that pain. Couldn’t he of just as easily continued to live with us in that paradise without the pain? No matter how many questions we ask or answer, we are still asking and answering the same questions. Over and over, every generation is plague with the same predictable debates, that have the same predictable out comes.

2. His story has been told countless of times, by countless of people that have produced countless of stories, about whom he is and who he isn’t.  We change our life styles, our careers and our beliefs to mimic his life. We will go to extremes to eliminate his story from history, change our careers and forsake our loved ones. How can his story make insane people sane and sane people insane?

;3. I have wondered myself about who he is. I have read the accounts of his story in all four gospels, to the point I don’t want to read them anymore. But I feel like I have over looked something. Something that’s fresh. Something that captivates me to read his story again, from the beginning to the end, without putting it down, until I’m done – good. But how could I gain a new revelation from an old story? Then I thought, hmm…what if I read his story with all the perspectives woven together in one account? That sounds complex. Let alone messy. Could it be heresy? It can’t be. Nothing is distorted. Nothing is added or subtracted. It would be woven just like fabric. The colors are separated or in different patterns, either way, it’s the same fabric. Makes sense to me. I’m hooked. Now, which books should be woven together. In respect to traditional Christendom, I should start with widely excepted four gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Still sounds like something is missing….

3. Continued… Need some kickers. Aah! How about adding the references of Christ, when he’s interacting with mankind, in the books of Acts and Revelations. I like it. I like it alot. My Curiosity is intriguing me. I can’t wait no more. I want to read this new one woven account about his life…now!

4. This book is the result of those questions, I asked a little more than twenty years ago. I hope you find His Life as enlightening as I did, when I read my first copy. Enjoy!

special thanks

to my Furry Friend Cooper: for assisting me in writing this book; by waking me up in the morning when my alarm clock wouldn’t, waking me up when I fell asleep in the chair writing this book and all those play breaks from writing. your timing was implacable. You put a smile on my face every time I think about it. Thank You TONS Cooper for you undying Unconditional Love in Our Friendship and in writing this book  for everyone to Enjoy!